Legislative Decree No. 33 of 14 March 14 2013 and Legislative Decree No. 69 of 21 June 2013 reorganized the obligations of public disclosure, transparency and dissemination of information by public administrations. This page collects the information required to be published, in the scheme indicated by the decree and common to all public administrations.
Legislative Decree 33/2013, which came into force on 20 April 20 2013, was amended by Legislative Decree 97 of 25 May 2016.
Published personal data are reusable only under the conditions provided for in the current legislation on the reuse of public data, in terms compatible with the purposes for which they were collected and recorded, and in compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data. For more information, see the website of the Data Protection Authority.
The transparency section is being updated pursuant to the new guidelines issued by ANAC (National Anti-Corruption Authority) in Resolution 1310 of December 2016.
- Titolari di incarichi dirigenziali amministrativi di vertice
- Titolari di incarichi dirigenziali (dirigenti non generali)
- Dirigenti cessati
- Posizioni organizzative
- Dotazione organica
- Personale non a tempo indeterminato
- Tassi di assenza
- Incarichi conferiti e autorizzati ai dipendenti (dirigenti e non dirigenti)
- Contrattazione collettiva
- Contrattazione integrativa