Pursuant to Article 4 of Law No. 19 of January 20, 1997, as amended by Law No. 203 of November 15, 2011, all vessels longer than 2.50 meters navigating in the Italian and Swiss waters of Lake Maggiore (Verbano) and Lake Lugano (Ceresio) must be equipped with identification permits and the relevant documents.
Exempt from the requirement for identification permits are:
a. vessels of navigation companies providing regular line services;
b. vessels shorter than 2.5 meters;
c. canoes, kayaks, sandolini, and other similar unmotorized vessels, as well as windsurfing boards;
d. rowing competition vessels.
Vessels referred to in point a. must display the name or initials of the company followed by numbers. Vessels referred to in points b., c., and d. must clearly display the owner’s or holder’s details.
The Basin Authority issues "V" permits, which are also valid for navigation on Lake Lugano.
Since June 1, 2017, new guidelines have been in effect, approved by the Board of Directors’ Resolution No. 1/2012 and modified by Resolutions No. 14/2014, No. 22/2015, and No. 9/2017.
Application for Registration in the Nautical Register and Issuance of Identification Permits
To obtain registration in the Nautical Register and the issuance of identification permits, a specific application must be submitted to the Basin Authority.
The application, which must be submitted on a €16.00 revenue stamp and using the new form provided by the Basin Authority, must include the following documents:
- A photocopy of a valid ID document.
- A photocopy of the tax code card.
- Two color photographs of the vessel (one from the front and one from the side), which can be sent by email in .jpg format to contrassegni@autoritadibacino.va.it.
- A copy of the engine use certificate (if present).
- Certification and/or insurance certificate for the engine and/or vessel.
- Proof of payment of €45.00 (Forty-five Euros), to be paid to the postal account 70212444, payable to Autorità di Bacino Lacuale dei Laghi Maggiore – Comabbio – Monate – Varese Serv. Tes, with the payment reason IDENTIFICATION PERMITS or by bank transfer to IBAN IT 50 D 07601 10800 000070212444 - BIC: BPPIITRRXXX.
- A copy of the vessel’s technical certificate (if available).
- A copy of the mooring title (if available).
Within 30 days of the application submission, the Basin Authority will register the vessel in the Nautical Register and issue the applicant a Registration booklet and 2 identification permits with the registration number.
At the time of application submission, the Basin Authority will provide a receipt, which will be valid for 30 days from the issuance date for navigation purposes, pending registration in the Nautical Register and the issuance of the identification permits.
The collection of the Registration booklet and the identification permits must be done by the applicant or another person authorized with a delegation.
Submission of the Application
The application, with the required revenue stamp and documents, can be submitted to the Basin Authority in the following ways:
- Paper Submission: The application, with the revenue stamp and all required attachments, can be delivered by hand to the Basin Authority during public office hours (delivery can also be made by someone other than the applicant), or sent by postal service (recommended registered mail) or other delivery services (e.g., express courier).
- Electronic Submission: The application can be sent by email to contrassegni@autoritadibacino.va.it, with all required documents attached.
Normattiva - law of 20 January 1997
Guidelines for registration in the Nautical Register and the issuance of identification permits for vessels navigating in the Italian and Swiss waters of Lake Maggiore (Verbano) and Lake Lugano (Ceresio):
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